I was recently in northern Vermont and I took my daughter for ice cream. As we waited in line she noticed that one sign read "chocolate and rainbow jimmies available" and another one read "sprinkles" so she asked what is the difference? I explained that here in New England the term "jimmies" was the common vernacular and when I was I kid we never heard them called sprinkles. In fact, when I was older (perhaps in my teens or 20s) I was once asked by an ice cream stand worker if I wanted "sprinkles" on my cone and I stood there confused and replied, "huh"? The boy looked at me like I was from Mars and pointed to a big container of rainbow
jimmies. Well, back to the Vermont trip, just to make me a liar, everyone ahead of us in line kept asking for sprinkles, but I figured someone has to keep New England traditions alive so when it was my turn I asked for some chocolate