As readers here know, I lost my miniature schnauzer some time ago. He was my best friend and traveling companion. I was certain I wasn't going to get another dog, but I couldn't stop thinking about all those dogs in the shelters and how one of them could be enjoying our empty back yard. Enter Minnie...
Minnie is a Chihuahua/dachshund mix that had a really rough start in life. She was abandoned on the streets with a raging skin infection and was starving. Nobody knows how long she was out there but she was in pretty bad shape. An animal control officer who also works for a shelter found Minnie and took her in and saw to her care. Eventually Minnie was adopted out and then returned to the shelter...twice, by the same woman. When I finally got her she was just about a year old.
Minnie is a friendly, loving little dog with a few quirks. Probably from her days of being alone on the streets. She absolutely has to sleep buried under blankets and if she gets exposed she desperately digs and scratches to get back under cover. She cries and shrieks when left in the car and she hoards her treats in her bed.
Maxie was one of a kind, but so is Minnie and she'll become a good shotgun rider and walking companion. Her days on the streets (or in the pound) are over.