It was Christmas day and I was surprised by the number of people who were at the beach! We drove along the road inside the state park and headed towards East Beach and Meig's Point, which is the rocky side of the beach, but when we saw the number of cars in the lots we decided to head over to West Beach, which was slightly less crowded. As soon as we stepped onto the boardwalk we were hit with a strong, relentless wind that blew the sand right up into the air. People pulled up their hoods and stayed on the beach pushing against the wind, and some even walked along the edge of the water. Others chose to avoid the worst of the wind and could be seen meandering the trails that run through the grassy marshes and sandy dunes that sweep out on either side of the road. The sky was deep blue and the day was clear enough for us to see Long Island laying across the southern horizon. I've never gone to the beach on Christmas day, but I found it an uplifting experience, and perhaps it will become a new tradition!